Thursday, 1 May 2008

photos - the seminary accommodation

Here are photos of our little apartment. It´s the ground floor of the white building. You´ll see us doing our clothes washing outside, some studying of Spanish going on outside, my terribly uncomfortable bed, also Katie taping up the cracks in the kitchen worktop tiles to try and get rid of the ants. PS - anyone know how to get rid of ants?! I´m serious, if anyone has any tips please leave a comment..


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! Photos!! Good stuff - looks good... for the my expert opinion...I recommend getting a Giant Anteater...they can eat upwards of 30000 ants a day so I reckon one would probably do the job...and in fact one would probably be all you could handle anyway as they do grow to about 8ft in length...not counting their tail...they're also native to Central and South America so you shouldn't have too much trouble sourcing could call it Vernon....not for any particular reason - I just think that might be quite a cool name for an anteater...

Let me know how it goes, Andy

Anonymous said...

If you haven't found a Giant Anteater I would suggest a can of deodourant and a lighter. Makes an awesome flame thrower and it doesnt smell as much as an 8ft creature! Just watch out for the backdraft!